5703 Red Bug Lake Rd.
Suit# 100 Winter Spring, FL 32708
+(407) 259 5787
medical massage
Quality Check

New...Business Boost

Guaranteed or your money back!

We will evaluate your marketing method, the sales team, the marketing strategy, the market potential, and then you will be advised on how to improve your sales. We guarantee the results.

Some methods used are:

Attract more customers by increasing traffic (hired professional traffic)

  • Attract more customers by increasing traffic
  • Studies and experience show that customers tend to be attracted to places where more crowed are present

Company Renovation and Company Image Update

Studies and experience show that customers tend to be attracted to new products/services. Most of the new large businesses' lifetime is expected to be less than 15 years. If no renovation, no remodeling, no creativity, the business will be sluggish, and will deteriorate


Operation Manual

Do you have an operational manual? Let us start with this! Any business should have a detailed operational manual which includes the job description, company policies, work recipe; that will standardize your business and give you a chance to reproduce the same quality, and you a better chance to franchise successfully. You will not be caught with the “Mr. indispensable”, the one employee that will always worries you if he leaves because he is Mr. “I am the only one who can do it”. 

All employees should have the basic and advanced training; which describes what is expected from them, what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Do you have an emergency plan? What if a key employee got sick or left the company! Do you have plans for special cases? special customers? Special seasons? Are you prepared?
How about the employee’s policy? What is your rewarding system? What are the criteria for promotion? What is your training program? Employees respect businesses that are transparent, clear, rewarding, and promote ambitions. Such a professional caring with the employees will be reflected on your service quality, productivity, sales revenues and profit.

Of course there are many other aspects for business boosts… don’t stop there, the sky is the limit.